Family Empowerment Centers: a safe place for our community
From the desk of Beth Mason (co-leader of our after-school program)
One afternoon I met a woman who wanted to sign her daughter up for Spring Break Camp. She started talking to me about how her daughter used to come to this program when she was a little girl. Then the woman shared how her daughter and son recently went through some traumatic experiences. She shared that she knew that she could call the FEC staff to come pray and help her family out (which- according to her- they always did!). I was amazed with how much this mother opened up to me in such a short time. I thanked her for her vulnerability and courage to share with me these hard things.
I asked her if I could pray for her and she quickly said yes. It was such a blessing to be able to lay hands on her and prayer with her for her family. I told her this is why the FEC staff are here, to pray for the members of our community and provide a safe place for their children to come after school. She was so thankful for our time and I was thankful we weren’t interrupted (it was the start of after school program). It’s a blessing to be a listening ear and provide some extra prayer and support for families.