Real People & a Real God
After seven months of working at the Food Pantry what word would I use to describe it? Incarnational, Redemptive, Community? While these things are true, and may sound good in a theological essay, none of those words could be used to accurately describe the Food Pantry here at FEC. But what word could be used?
Real. Every Saturday, from 12-2pm what I see is real. I see people like a mother of 6 who is learning a new language and has a desire to give back. That’s just one person. Every time we open our doors there are real people who come in. As the day goes on it becomes filled with real laughter and real frustrations. There are moments where arguments break out, or laughter that is shared between new and old friends. I have witnessed real community, as others hopped in to help set-up, run, and close the Food Pantry alongside me as we were short staffed one Saturday. But all these moments can’t be compared to the times where people are reminded of real fears, asking “will there be enough for me” just to be met by a real God who sees and provides.
-Daniel Wright
Food Pantry Coordinator