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Children are at Risk

Children attending public school in an urban context face a unique set of challenges.

Overcrowded classrooms, lack of funding to provide for basic materials, and safety concerns all detract from the educational experience. With graduation rates in local schools as low as 61%, the education system sets children up for academic and personal failure rather than success.

Sociological studies continue to report that students who drop out of school have higher rates of unemployment, incarceration records, teen pregnancy, and drug addiction, all of which perpetuate the cycle of poverty. We believe that education is the key to breaking that cycle and opening doors of opportunity.

Our after-school program allows parents to work and/or pursue personal life enrichment opportunities knowing that their children are safe and well cared for.

S.A.Y. Yes

S.A.Y. Yes! is an after-school program designed to meet the unique needs of at-risk urban youth.  S.A.Y. Yes! provides a platform to address the systemic barriers found within the urban educational system by equipping children with the academic, interpersonal, and character skills necessary to succeed in education and life.

We are proud to partner with a nationally recognized program developed by CRU Inner City, which focuses on urban community development.  This program operates when our Safe Have program is no longer in session.

Primary goals of the after-school program:

• Reinforce the educational experience of each child by emphasizing academic enhancement activities in reading, writing comprehension, mathematics, individualized homework tutoring, computer based learning that reinforces classroom learning, and the incorporation of the arts to develop cultural awareness.

• Emphasize character development and growth by teaching practical life skills.

• Provide a safe, nurturing environment where children feel safe physically and emotionally.

• Foster a sense of civic responsibility and global awareness through volunteerism and community based service projects.

• Provide nutritional snacks and meals to participating students

SAFE Haven

In partnership with the Chicago Public Schools the Family Empowerment Centers has been designated a “SAFE Haven” after-school program site. SAFE Haven sites operate 20 weeks during the school year and 6 weeks during the summer.

Days & Times

Currently we operate a 5 day a week after school program. The program typically runs from September through May.

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday

Interested in learning more?

Contact our office today!
call (773) 262-0760 or email

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