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Why Church?

Redemption Church was birthed out of a desire of those who serve and are served through Family Empowerment Centers to gather regularly in community to grow in and exercise their faith. This partnership creates avenues for the spiritual development of those that we serve and it offers regular support to the Center and its programs.

Redemption Church

As we look to care for the whole person, we believe it is important to create opportunities for people to worship God and grow together. We gather on Sunday mornings so that we can take time to pause in our week, acknowledge God as a community, encourage one another in our life journey, and grow together in to all that God has purposed for our lives.

As a community of faith, we believe that God has set for us, His children, a number of priorities that foster our ability to Love and be loved by God and others, and to be witnesses of that Love and the hope we have in Christ to the world around us. The priorities that we highlight as a worshiping community are Prayer, Worship, Growth, Service, and Mission.

Worship Service

Reflecting the diversity found in Rogers Park, Family Empowerment Centers enjoys a multi-cultural, multi-lingual church community. We offer a blend between traditional church and a small group gathering that is conversational in style. Our worship is often a mix of English and Spanish songs with a contemporary feel. We also offer Spanish translation throughout the service. We have a high value for Biblical teaching, and a team of pastors rotate to lead the discussion of a particular passage of scripture.

Children participate in the worship time with the adult congregation, however we do provide children’s church during the service (toddlers through 5th grade).

Bible Studies & Small Groups

We believe that growth happens best in relationship where people bring their whole selves into the learning community and have a safe space to learn, ask questions and be encouraged in the Christian faith. Spiritual growth as a Christian happens as we enter the process of maturing into all that God purposed for, and uniquely designed and intended for His people to be and become.

Spiritual formation is the process of being wholly formed into the image of Christ through a “be becoming” holy as He is holy and the transformative process whereby our whole person, spirit, soul, mind, and emotions are like clay in the potters hand.  It is a reconciling to Christ and into what He originally purposed for us. (2 Corinthians 5:18-20, 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, Prov. 4:20-24, Mark 7:15-23, Luke 6:43-45, 2 Peter 1:4-7)

We mature and exhibit growth as we implement and practice with consistency a spiritual formation plan that is rooted in relational community, that is wholistic, Christ centered, and Spirit led.  

Some Bible studies and small groups operate as ongoing groups. Others are held in 4, 6, or 8 week segments so people can move in and out of them more easily as their time constraints might change. These studies are offered in English, Spanish, or are blended.

When is the Worship Service?

If you would like to join with us on Sunday mornings, we begin our worship time at 10:30 am and we are usually done between 12:00-12:15 pm. Of course, conversations continue well beyond that on some Sundays.

  • Sundays

We gather on Sundays at our Rogers Park location.

1533 W Devon Ave, Chicago, IL 60660

Interested in learning more?

Contact Rev. Scott Manke at
(773) 262-0760 or

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