Over the edge
Our annual fundraiser gives our supporters the chance to rappel for a great cause!
Each fall, friends, volunteers, and supporters of the Family Empowerment Centers commit to rappelling down 27 stories of the iconic Wit Hotel in beautiful downtown Chicago. All proceeds from the event go toward supporting the myriad of programs FEC offers the community of Rogers Park.
There are three ways you can help with our next Over The Edge event. You can sponsor the event, participate by rappelling, or by volunteering the day of!

Help be the driving force of change in Chicago!
We believe the relationships between us and our partnering sponsors should be mutually beneficial.
There are various sponsorship levels and benefits from which you and your business can choose. Sponsors also have the opportunity to send a team member Over The Edge on our media night- giving even more exposure to our cause and your business. Click below to learn more about our sponsorships today!

Rappel for a great cause!
Participants who choose to rappel for our wonderful cause commit to raising $1000 or more to support the programs of the Family Empowerment Centers. Rappellers receive training the day of the event and proceed to safely rappel down 27 stories of the iconic Wit Hotel in beautiful downtown Chicago. We only have space for about 75 rappellers- Click below to secure your spot today!

Help make our next Over The Edge successful by volunteering!
We need your help to make this event successful! We are in need of volunteers to help with ropes and safety as well as registration, staging, photography and videography, as well as several other opportunities.
FYI: Our core ropes volunteers for Over The Edge will have the opportunity get to rappel on Media Night! To sign up to volunteer for our next event, click on the volunteer link below, one of our dedicated team members will reach out to you soon!

Interested in learning more?
Contact the Family Empowerment Centers at
(773) 262-0760 or office@familyempower.org